The Abortion Facility at the Center of Efforts to Reverse Roe v. Wade Shouldn’t Even Exist

The entire nation, both pro-life and pro-choice citizens alike, are waiting on the edge of their seats for the Supreme Court to hear a case that could directly challenge Roe v. Wade, the landmark abortion case in 1973 that effectively legalized abortion in America. Such opportunities have flitted by infrequently over the years, but Mississippi


Informed Consent Required (Unless You Sell Abortion)

Informed consent is considered a pillar of civilized healthcare. When you’re vulnerable and someone (like a doctor) is in a position of power over you, you want to know what they’re doing to you and why. It’s a fair expectation. The American Medical Association (AMA) notes: “Informed consent to medical treatment is fundamental in both


Abortion Facilities Help Cover Up Sexual Abuse

Abortion is hailed as an exercise of freedom by those who subscribe to a brand of toxic feminism. But the sad truth is that it’s often used as a sick coverup tool by abusers and criminals. Sex trafficking and other abuse are hideous crimes that are often very difficult to detect… which is one reason


This is How Abortion Facilities Get Away with Breaking Laws: Part 2

Abortion supporters like to downplay dirty, unsafe abortion facilities as “rogues”… exceptions to an otherwise squeaky clean industry. But the reality is that unsatisfactory abortion facilities aren’t the exception – they’re the norm. So how do we make sure these facilities are held accountable to even the bare minimum of safety standards? Authoritative Bodies Need


Reprotection is Hiring!

Reprotection is looking for a highly motivated, passionately pro-life candidate to create and grow the communications and development departments for the organization. Reprotection exists to help pro-life advocates protect women and children from harm by investigating and closing down dangerous abortion providers. As a new organization, our communications and development efforts are still in the


This is How Abortion Facilities Get Away with Breaking Laws: Part 1

America is full of pro-life citizens (in fact, the majority are) as well as lawmakers who share a common goal – making abortion unthinkable in our nation. A desire to stop the mass killing of a vulnerable group of people – pre-born human beings – is a primary driving factor for anyone who calls themself


This is How Abortion Facilities Get Away with Breaking Laws: Part 1

America is full of pro-life citizens (in fact, the majority are) as well as lawmakers who share a common goal – making abortion unthinkable in our nation. A desire to stop the mass killing of a vulnerable group of people – pre-born human beings – is a primary driving factor for anyone who calls themself


Get to Know Reprotection

Abortion is a dirty business – and not just because the abortion industry makes their billions by exterminating innocent people. A wise man once said, “You can’t practice vice virtuously.” No one in their right mind should expect this type of business to operate in an upstanding manner. Abortion facilities nationwide, both Planned Parenthoods and


Reprotection Efforts Result in False Advertising Fines for Florida Abortionist

(December 15, 2020 – Indianapolis, Indiana) A complaint filed by Reprotection, Inc. with Indiana Attorney General Curtis Hill’s office has resulted in fines for a Florida abortionist. Earlier in the year, Reprotection lodged a complaint against James Pendergraft, owner of the Orlando Women’s Center for falsely advertising that it operated in Indiana. The complaint led